The 4th Estate in America: from Vietnam to Watergate ‘WATCHDOG JOURNALISM’

The journalist has often been labelled ‘the truth seeker’. Our job in the media is to remain persistent and suspicious. The function of the american media is to ensure the people in positions of power deserve to be there – and are acting in an honest and reputable way. The media in the UK and […]

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Truth & invention in writing (2): The American ‘New Journalism’

New journalism, opposed to ‘old journalism’ is somewhat similar to the topics touched upon in the previous blog post about George Orwell’s writing techniques. It’s fair to say that Orwell was indeed one of the original ‘new journalists, along with Lillian Ross and James Agee. Authors/journalists who re defined the word journalism by taking original […]

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Orientalism and Asia: Lecture: The Orientalism debate: western representation of the non-western world (Maria Costantino)

What is orientalism? Edward Said explains how the dominant countries that once where the oppressors of the world during colonial times have created a shrouded and prejudice view of the middle east, most parts of Asia and north Africa. This view has been created for the experience of the west. Anything that is not western […]

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LOVE – What’s it all about?

In the lead up to Valentines, the question is on everyone’s mind. What is love all about? There’s a huge fuss around the notion of romantic love every year on February 14th. With an average of 196 million roses produced on valentines day, some may say the day is more about consumerism than love. But […]

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New year, new you…Really?

New years resolutions have been around as-long as new years has, but that doesn’t mean we’ve gotten any good at keeping them. In the UK new years resolutions follow promptly after the NYE celebrations. We all wait for January 1st to create a ‘new you’. But how successful are we at keeping to our resolutions? […]

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‘I oscillate between life and death, happiness and sadness, good and evil.’ – Alexander McQueen Possibly and deservedly the most popular fashion exhibition of all time, I visited the V&A’s exhibition ‘SAVAGE BEAUTY’ which pays tribute to the late designer and fashion prodigy, Alexander McQueen.  A designer with the most imaginative collections, where metaphors of nature,  sexuality, […]


‘Leave me alone!’ the struggle to walk on streets and live a normal life without absurdities being shouted at you.

The absurd normality of men shouting crude, rude and aggressive things at women and nothing being done about it regardless of how dis respectful, inappropriate and unwelcome it may be. It’s a much bigger problem than we think and it’s everywhere you look. The impact ‘cat calling’ has on girls and women is real. after […]

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